Do You Really Need an Artist Manager?
The fine folks at Indie Week have been hosting monthly Student Sessions at the Paddock Tavern, and I decided to go check one out on August 15th. They integrate an Industry Panel, 1-on-1 Industry Speed Dating and a live show. Pretty cool, huh? This panel featured artist managers Jake Gold and Dan Hand. I took […]

Too much tapping and swiping got you down?
As a member of MusicOntario, I am a frequent contributor to their periodic newsletter. My past few articles have focused on Credit Cards, and hopefully, I have brought awareness to what can be a rather dim sitch for some. In case you missed them, here’s a recap. Saddled with credit card debt? You’re not alone. […]

“I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner…”
Tips to Help You Make the Best of the CMW Aftermath This was my 5th year volunteering with CMW and my 4th as the unofficial ‘cat herder’ for the B2B meetings in International Marketplace with Kathy Hahn during the Music Summit. It was 4 long days, and I met tons of very cool people, […]

Interview with THE Alan Cross
Interview with THE Alan Cross Yes, THE Alan Cross. Alan was gracious enough to meet me at the Corus studios to answer a few questions for this inaugural segment of Interview With the Vampire. Alan knows just about everything there is to know about the Ongoing History of New Music and is super cool to […]

The Vinyl Library
I had no idea how awesome the Toronto Reference Library (TRL) has become! The last time I stepped foot in there was back in my University days to cram for exams in the study cubbies. In April, 2018, I attended a Music Tech Meetup at the library hosted by Alan Cross, and was totally […]

Do You Really Need an Artist Manager?
The fine folks at Indie Week have been hosting monthly Student Sessions at the Paddock Tavern, and I decided to go check one out on August 15th. They integrate an Industry Panel, 1-on-1 Industry Speed Dating and a live show. Pretty cool, huh? This panel featured artist managers Jake Gold and Dan Hand. I took […]

Too much tapping and swiping got you down?
As a member of MusicOntario, I am a frequent contributor to their periodic newsletter. My past few articles have focused on Credit Cards, and hopefully, I have brought awareness to what can be a rather dim sitch for some. In case you missed them, here’s a recap. Saddled with credit card debt? You’re not alone. […]

“I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner…”
Tips to Help You Make the Best of the CMW Aftermath This was my 5th year volunteering with CMW and my 4th as the unofficial ‘cat herder’ for the B2B meetings in International Marketplace with Kathy Hahn during the Music Summit. It was 4 long days, and I met tons of very cool people, […]

Interview with THE Alan Cross
Interview with THE Alan Cross Yes, THE Alan Cross. Alan was gracious enough to meet me at the Corus studios to answer a few questions for this inaugural segment of Interview With the Vampire. Alan knows just about everything there is to know about the Ongoing History of New Music and is super cool to […]

The Vinyl Library
I had no idea how awesome the Toronto Reference Library (TRL) has become! The last time I stepped foot in there was back in my University days to cram for exams in the study cubbies. In April, 2018, I attended a Music Tech Meetup at the library hosted by Alan Cross, and was totally […]