Indie Week November 10TH
Maintaining Health and Wellness during Isolation
We are all struggling. We all have felt fear, self-pity, have been isolating, and have dark days. The Unison Benevolent Fund’s Sarah Hagerman facilitated this panel that included Michelle Titian (artist), Tenniel Brown (therapist) and Michelle Allman (The Hook and Co). One theme resonated with me, which is the connection of Body, Mind and Spirit. There was a lot of deep conversation and shared experiences, and here are my top takeaways.
- Stay connected, be present and be hopeful.
- If you change your mind, then things can change.
- Find a purpose that drives you and motivates you.
- Meditation is not just for yogis. Even just 5 minutes of deep breathing can do wonders.
- Burning bay leaves help with relieving anxiety and stress. Even looking at the picture brings a sense of calm. Keep an eye on the leaves as they smolder though.
- Integrate healthy habits into your day and get moving! Turn off the TV news. It’s all bad news anyways. Get off the damn phone and go for a walk. Put on your favourite 80’s songs and dance like no one is watching (trust me, I do this on a regular basis and it really does help).
- Drugs and alcohol are not the solution. If you are really struggling, talk to someone. There are lots of resources. Here is the link to Unison’s counselling services.